Monday, 26 September 2011


I was going to announce my giveaway winners today. And I had plans posting a buch of swatches this weekend, but I'm really sick so it will have to wait.
Sorry guys, hope the rest of you are well and healthy! Will try to announce my winners tomorrow!
And while you wait, here are some adorable cakes to look at!

These would be the perfect birthdaycakes for so many nailladies I know!


  1. God bedring søte :)
    Så utrolig stilige kaker! Folk er så sykt flinke :D

  2. God bedring! :) Morsomme kaker! Kreativt.

  3. God bedring! Så herlige kaker :D

  4. Haha, den øverste der er jo dritkul! Shit! Hvor i Norge kan man finne noen til å lage en sånn mon tro?

    Og god bedring! Å være syk er aldri gøy :( Men fin unnskyldning til å sitte og google negleblogger og bilder hele dagen :-)


I'm grateful and happy for each of your comments! And I read and usually answer them all.