Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Giveaway Winners!

The time is finaly here! I'm so happy to announce the winners of my first giveaway! I said that I would bring in an extra prize if there were many participants, but unfortunately there were only 48 so no extra prize.. But I still have three prizes for some lovely ladies! And those are... drum roll:
First prize Sio!

Second prize Lovenail - Maria

Third Prize JM


Please send me your full name and adress on kialuzula@gmail.com within 48 hourse or another winner will be drawn.


  1. Oooooooohhhhhh!!!!! What a lovely way to spice up a very dreary tuesday. Thank you ever so much :-)

  2. Heldige dem! gratulerer!

  3. Åh, så deilige nyheter etter en helt forferdelig stressende jobbdag! :D

  4. Mail jeg sender har forresten en tendens til å havne i søppelpost, men sender adressen nå :)


I'm grateful and happy for each of your comments! And I read and usually answer them all.