Sunday, 8 January 2012

Inspired by an Animal Sunday

I haven't posted on the last couple of sundays since I've been away, but now I'm back to doing my usual Sunday designs again!
Todays design is inspired by this Atelopus frog:

I really love frogs! The amazing color combinations of black and bright colors is so great. I'm hoping to make a couple of more frog designs over time. Anyway... This is how the design turned out:

I've used Essie - Licorice, Viva la Diva - 114, Isadora - Sweet Violet
I like the combo of black and purple, and even though you don't really get a "frog feeling" from looking at these nails I like how it turned out!

# Have you made frog inspired nails before?
# Do you have any ideas for next Sunday?


  1. Så tøfft, du er så flink :)
    Inspirert av klovnefisk, sånn som Nemo var? :)

  2. This is really cool!! :D Wow, I've never seen that frog before! What a beauty!

  3. Wow, for en fantastisk frosk! Skjønner at du ble inspirert av dette :D

  4. For en kul frosk, og veldig fint design:) mitt forslag er en fargerik Chameleon! Der har du mange kule mønster:)

  5. Helt utrolig kul frosk, man bare må bli inspirert av den! Fantastisk ☺

  6. I know, it's so cool! I love this frog

  7. SivLene: Jeg har faktisk allerede laget en Chameleon, det gjorde jeg den aller første søndagen, hehe

  8. That is such a Cute mani! The frog is so beautiful!

  9. Ser frosken faktisk sånn ut? Det er jo helt villt.

  10. When you think of an jotaro kujo healer, you tend to think of someone who heals animals physically such as when they are sick and injured. But a true animal healer is someone who does more than just heals aches and pains. It is a spiritual person who heals everything from the body to the mind.

  11. While caring for your fellow human beings can be a very rewarding career choice, choosing an animal care course in order to learn how to take care of animals can also have its own merits and rewards. Animals have their own rights and we as humans have the responsibility to see to it that they are respected in society. Overseeing animal rights entails understanding how they behave, and if we are able to do that then we can rest assured that their rights are respected. Animals have their own abilities that they learn through training and those that they have been born with.

  12. I have been asked from time to time by some of my human clients and online community if the animals will be coming with us into the higher dimensional frequencies. "If I choose ascension, will my animals come with me?" I am delighted to tell you all that not only can they come along, if they choose to do so, but that they are also working very hard to help us make the shift. breeder


I'm grateful and happy for each of your comments! And I read and usually answer them all.