Monday, 23 January 2012

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Years everybody! Today we are entering the year of the dragon, and boy am I jealous of people being born this year! I am born in the year of the rooster, and that's pretty cool too, but nothing can beat the dragon.
I therefor made this nail design today of a Chinese dragon and a Chinese symbol that means "dragon"(at least I think it does..) I found the symbol here:

If I have any Chinese speaking readers who are now laughing at me because I wrote "toilet" or something instead, pleas tell me! Haha!
And the nails are here:

I've used a little bit of everything for this design. The base is Mac - Obey me and the dragon is mostly Isadora - Ocean drive and gina tricot - Billard.

I love dragons so I'm glad I remembered what today was so I thought about making this design
# Have you celebrated Chinese new year?
# What do you think of my dragon?


  1. Dette var utrolig stilig! Dragen var helt Awesome!
    Jeg er forresten Sheep, ikke like kult :P

  2. OJ SÅ VACKER design :O
    Underbar blogg du har :)

  3. These look SO great!! Heheh and I have to agree that the year of the dragon is the best, it's my year!!!

  4. Kult! Dragen var kjempefin, og jeg skal spørre kollegaen min Qian om tegnet ble riktig ;)

  5. shortylegsbeauty:Tusen takk!
    Tantejul: Det setter jeg pris på, hehe

  6. OK, bedømmelsen fra Qian:
    Dragen - Great
    Tegnet - "Fine"

    Og tegnet for "Toilet" er visst mye mer avansert :-)

  7. Tante Jul: Okey, takk hehe. Det var da enda godt at jeg var ganske nærme hvertfall

  8. Aww va söt! Är själv född i drakens år. Får hoppas något bra händer. :)


I'm grateful and happy for each of your comments! And I read and usually answer them all.