Saturday, 1 October 2011

Pink Flamingos!

Have you seen Pink Flamingos by John Waters? Most people see about 10 minutes and then turn it off, and I can't blame them. It's a very disturbing movie...

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about John waters! I made this flamingo design today, and I'm really happy with it. I though it would turn out terrible, but didn't turn out to bad. I've used Essie - Blanc, Rose Bowl and Licorice (wow, only Essie). Made a flamingo on the middlefinger and thumb and the rest I made a french tip on.
Here with my supercute flamingo nailfile

I love flamingos! I made this design at school once:

                                            #What do you think?
                                             # Like flamingos?


I'm grateful and happy for each of your comments! And I read and usually answer them all.