Wednesday 5 October 2011

Candy Mani, Jelly sandwich

These jelly sandwiches, or candy manis, are really "in" right now. OPI is even promoting them on their facebook page!
This manicure consists of a jelly polish and a flakie or glitter in a clear base. You use two coats of the jelly polish, and one or two coats of your glitter and then seal it with a last coat of jelly so it looks like the glitters are in the jelly polish. This can make some great manicures, but it always dries reaally slowly since there are so many coats..
Well, I used OPI - Guy meets gal-veston as my jelly and a blue flakie from NFU oh #56.

I didn't like this color combination at all! I think it looks like puke... But maybe someone else might like it? I think I'll try this again with some other colors...
This also dryed soo slooow... The flakies are in a pretty thick base and I had to fish to get all the flakes I wanted... So that's not recommended at all.

But I've seen many pretty combos, and you should all try your own!

I'm going away for a couple of days, but I'll try to get some posts while I'm gone. I'll come back strong after my vacation!

1 comment:

  1. Hvordan kan du ikke like det der? Det var jo en nydelig kombo i mine øyner :D


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