Thursday, 23 February 2012

Catrice - In the bronx

This is one of my new polishes from Catrice. This is a new brand to me, so I was excited to test the quality on the polish.
Bronze colors isn't something I would normally wear, at least not until now. I dig this color! Just the right shade between copper and gold wit a great metallic finish. No brush strokes in the finish either!

The formula was pretty good, two coats for opacy and nothing more to say really! The color is slighty duochrome to red/cobber. And even though it doesn't show much it gives it a really fancy look.

I have two more colors from Catrice to show you that I got in the mail the other day. There will come a full post with the the goodies I got! And the giveaway is also coming soon, oh so excited!
Well I'm very happy with my first try at a Catrice polish!
# Do you like Bronzes?


  1. I love metallic polishes and that one is gorgeous!

  2. This is nice!! :D And I'm not usually one for bronze colours. It looks great on you!

  3. Jeg har ikke hørt om dette merket før :)
    Sjeldent jeg bruker bronsefarger på neglene, men denne var veldig fin !

    1. Hadde ikke hørt om det før for en liten stund siden jeg heller. Kommer tilbake med mer info på merket


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